Introducing Bridged Forums for Discord

Introducing Bridged Forums for Discord

The Challenge

The journey of an idea across different platforms in crypto is fragmented—it begins on Twitter, travels to Discord, then migrates to Discourse and Commonwealth, before finally culminating on-chain. When you’re bouncing back and forth between too many apps, overall engagement becomes low. With each transition, it’s easy to lose context and oftentimes, the same idea or thought is just reposted in a new environment. This fragmentation is a roadblock to efficient and productive communication, an issue that we're passionate about solving.

Today, we're thrilled to announce a new feature that will seamlessly merge relevant conversations from disparate platforms to help your community do stuff together—off or on-chain—Public Pages for Bridged Discord Forum Channels.

Zooming Out

At Commonwealth, we first launched our product to link together your forum with your on-chain proposals. But we realize it’s more than governance; we want to help with:

  • Providing a clear, high-signal space for your community
  • Using this context to do on-chain activities together
  • Making every post accessible from anywhere
  • Do all of this in a decentralized manner together

What are Bridged Forums

By allowing you to integrate your Discord forum channels with your Commonwealth community via a Discord Bot, we hope to live up to this, by moving one more source of info into Commonwealth.

The new feature opens up a world of possibilities:

  1. Less conversation fragmentation in your community
  2. A public, customizable URL for an indexed, SEO-friendly forum (i.e. forums.[ethereum].xyz)
  3. Access to on-chain features of Commonwealth, turning a chat into a snapshot or on-chain proposal with a click

Our ambition for Bridged Discord Forums doesn't end here. We envision a future where users can post content bi-directionally between Commonwealth and other platforms, akin to a Matrix, Bridges, or XTMP, that allows users and communities to operate seamlessly between apps and ensure clear ownership of their content and conversations.


Launching with Partners

We are excited to roll this feature out with three to five launch partners. It ensures your community members have a streamlined platform for information, making it easier for them to stay updated without getting lost in the sea of discussions. The ability to create grants and on-chain proposals directly from the platform provides a distinct advantage to both admins and users alike.

Coming Soon

  1. Future: Provides a decentralized store of discord forums
  2. Expanding syncing to other applications: We're broadening our horizons to integrate platforms like Twitter, Farcaster, Discourse, and more, to add more layers to your community engagement toolkit.
  3. Interactive bots: Our Discord bot will be getting an upgrade, enabling you to create on-chain proposals directly from Discord.
  4. Bi-directional and authenticated posting: Post on Discord, view on Commonwealth, all authenticated by your Session Keys.
  5. Customized experience: Tailor the forum to match your community's wants and needs.

Call to Actions

Calling All Developers

If you're a developer who is excited about enhancing conversation indexation across apps, we'd love to have you onboard. We're in the process of creating an authenticated data group for a shared data standard that works across user-facing apps and clients and existing places where convo happens.

Get Started Today

Ready to experience the revolution in community engagement? Setting up Bridged Discord Forums is a breeze. Follow our step-by-step screenshots and video tutorials to link your existing or new Commonwealth community in a few clicks.

We've created several resources to answer any questions you may have about Bridged Forums.

  1. DiscoBot Overview & Set-Up Guide: One-pager for a general overview on bridged discord forums and DiscoBot functionality as well as a step-by-step walkthrough for set-up within your community.
  2. DiscoBot FAQ: A guide that covers our Commonly Asked Questions about bridged discord forums and DiscoBot
  3. Common Docs: Comprehensive product documentation for everything else!

In Conclusion

With Bridged Discord Forums, we're accelerating towards a connected and decentralized community interaction. It’s a big leap in decentralization, and we invite you to join us in this thrilling new era.